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How to get money from live stream Instagram

How to get money from live stream Instagram- for those of you who are actively using Instagram and often live streaming on Instagram. Then know that you can now get money when living streaming on Instagram using fan badges.

What is Fan Badges Instagram?

Instagram is now starting to focus on testing the Fan Badges feature, the features that can be used by users to get the coffers of money when live streaming. According to many people, this Instagram Fan Badges feature is very inspired by Twitch.

This Fan Instagram Live Fan feature was introduced in May 2020 as a feature for users to donate money directly to their favorite content creator.

Instead, users who buy the Fan Badges feature will receive a badge shown next to their name when they comment on the Live Streaming of the Content Creator.

User can contribute by buying a fan badges for: $ 0.99 or $ 1.99 or $ 4.99.

Every price represents a different level of badges. Each level has its own plan, so users can show exactly how much they have contributed to their favorite celebrities.

Since it was first launched, this feature can only be accessed by a small portion of users and the majority of Europe and America. Until now, this new Fan Badges feature can be accessed by 50,000 Instagram CONTENT CREATOR.

Although it is still limited compared to the total number of Instagram users, this is positive news and in the end it might be extended to more content creators.

To make the Content Creator more interested in this Fan Badges feature, Instagram states that they will not take a penny from the purchase of fan badges for now. Of course the policy can change at any time, but for now the Content Creator will get all the money they receive from the purchase of Fan Badges.

Instagram parties realize that now many content creators depend on the income of their content for. Therefore, the Instagram party plans to help the Content Creator get income on their content. And of course the Fan Badges feature is one proof of the seriousness of Instagram for his words.

It is very interesting news for the Content Creator. But, what used by the user by buying a fan badges?

These are some advantages of being paid fans.

<<>Benefits of Fan Badges Instagram

Fan Badges is something that is received by a user as a thank you for supporting the content creator by giving money to the Content Creator for their work.

Fan Badges feature is not required for Live Instagram audience , So, they are those who decide to contribute and get a fan badge or just watch.

with fan badges, users will get a number of benefits. The main advantage of having a fan badge is an increase in visibility. People who have a fan badge will certainly get the attention of the content creator during live streaming. And it is one of the absolute advantages which will be difficult to notice by Content Creator, especially if the chat stream column is crowded.

Fan badge is a way for users to stand out between crowds and improve The opportunity for their comments is noted and read by the Content Creator.

Instagram also told that the purchase of Fan Badge also opened another feature, such as the best placement of the list of the best fan badge holders on the Live Stream of the Content Creator.

List Fan Badge and Fan Badge holder allows the content creator to know quickly who their biggest fans are at the time of live streaming.

Even though, many think that this is not an innovation because of the fact, monetization models like It's very similar to Twitch who has already applied a system like this. The difference is that Twitch openly states that the share of the purchase of their fan badge is 50-50.

System as it seems to go well for Twitch. A report from the beginning of this year shows the income of twitches from fan contributions exceeds income from advertisements.

Time that will answer whether Instagram will be as successful for Twitch by applying this Fan Badges feature or not.

Obviously, this can be the answer to the lack of Instagram monetization options for the content creator.

Then, how do I monetize my live streaming?

Because this Fan Badge feature is only in several countries and does not yet exist for Indonesia. We can take advantage of this emptiness momentum to build our Instagram account first. What you need to do is look as many audience as possible and build positive interactions with your audience.

If it's time it's time to feature this Instagram Fan Badge present in Indonesia, you're not late and is ready to take advantage of the feature.

then from that, please take advantage of this feature to get the coffers of money on all the content and works you have.

That's what I can convey for now about the latest features that can almost be It is said by monetizing Instagram content. I hope this information is helpful. And of course, our great expectations so that this feature is coming soon in Indonesia.

if anyone is confusing, please ask through the comments column below. And if you are pleased, please read other articles fromNinura. See you in the next article.

To make the Content Creator more interested in this Fan Badges feature, Instagram states that they will not take a penny from the purchase of fan badges for now. Of course the policy can change at any time, but for now the Content Creator will get all the money they receive from the purchase of fan badges.

Parties Instagram realize that now many content creators depend on income from the content they make. Therefore, the Instagram party plans to help the Content Creator get income on their content. And of course the Fan Badges feature is one proof of the seriousness of Instagram for his words.

Thinking news for the Content Creator. But, what does the user get by buying a fan badges?

These are some of the benefits of being paid fans.

Benefits of Fan Badges Instagram

Fan Badges is something that a user is received as a thank you for supporting the content creator by giving money to the content creator of their work.

This Fan Badges feature is not required for the Live Instagram audience. So, they are those who decide to contribute and get a fan badge or just watch.

with fan badges, users will get a number of benefits. The main advantage of having a fan badge is an increase in visibility. People who have a fan badge will certainly get the attention of the content creator during live streaming. And it is one of the absolute advantages which will be difficult to notice by the Content Creator, especially if the chat stream column is crowded.

Fan Badge is a way for users to stand out between crowds and increase the chances of their comments noticed and read by the Content Creator.

Instagram also told that the purchase of Fan Badge also opened other features, such as the best list of Fan Badge holders list on Live Stream the Content Creator.

List of fan badges and fan badge holders allow the content creator to know quickly who their biggest fans are on live streaming.

Even however, many think that this is not an innovation because of the fact, this monetization model is very similar to Twitch which has already applied a system like this. The difference, Twitch openly states that the share of the purchase of their fan badge is 50-50.

system like that seems to go well for twitch. A report from the beginning of this year shows twitch income from fan contributions exceeds income from advertisements.

Time that will answer whether Instagram will be as successful as Twitch by applying this Fan Badges feature or not.

Clearly, this can be the answer to the lack of Instagram monetization options for the Content Creator.

Then, how do I monetize my live streaming?

Because the Fan Badge feature is only in several countries and does not yet exist for Indonesia. We can take advantage of this emptiness momentum to build our Instagram account first. All you need to do is find as many audience as possible and build positive interactions with your audience.

if later it's time to feature this Instagram Fan Badge present in Indonesia, you're not late and is ready to take advantage of the feature.

then from that, please take advantage of this feature to get the coffers of money on all the content and works you have.

That's what I can convey for now about the latest features that can almost be said by monetizing Instagram content. I hope this information is helpful. And of course, we hope that this feature will be coming soon in Indonesia.

If someone is confusing, please ask through the comments column below. And if you are pleased, please read other articles fromNinura. See you in the next article.

Nisfa Nurfadilah Rachmaniar
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